Tuesday 2 September 2014

Tzvetan Todorov's Theory of Narrative

Tzetan Todorov proposed that stories and films start with an equilibrium, then they go through a disruption.

The disruption is then resolved so it ends with everything being in a restored order. It will then end with a new equilibrium.

This theory can be proved trough a number of films, one of which is 'Toy Story'.

In Toy Story the beginning is a equilibrium, even though Woody is favoured by Andy all the toys are friends and equally played with.

disruption occurs when Andy gets a new toy for his birthday, Buzz Lightyear, Andy then favours him and all the toys become jealous, especially Woody.

The resolution occurs when Woody and Buzz decide to work as a team to get home, they both realise that they need to be in the car with Andy rather than lost on the streets.

We see the restored order when all the toys are in the moving van and happy around eachother.

The film ends with all the toys being played with in Andys new house, its a new equilibrium.

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