Tuesday 2 September 2014

Run Lola Run

Plot: Run Lola Run is about a young woman in Germany who has twenty minutes to find and bring 100,000 Deutschmarks to her boyfriend before he robs a supermarket.

Question: What is the meaning of Lola's screams? Especially the third?

Scream 1: (9:26) The first scream takes place at Lola's flat. It happens when she discovers Manni is in trouble. He says to her "you can't do a thing". We assume that Lola screams to make Manni be quiet and to stop stressing out. 
As her scream increases in volume the camera zooms in on her and the phone. The phone is centre shot which tells us that it is the cause of her distress.
We also see that when she screams she shatters all the glass in the shot other than the bottle closest to her. This is showing us that the things closest to her she tries to keep safe (like Manni, for example).
As she screams a tortoise/turtle walks past her feet, this can be shown to contrast how fast Lola is going to have to be.

Scream 2:(21:12) The next scream takes place in her fathers office after he says that is doesn't matter if Manni dies. The purpose of this film is to silence her father as she doesn't like what is being said. During her scream the glass clock in the background smashes, this insinuates that she is running out of time.

Scream 3:(1:07:38) The final scream takes place in a casino, the purpose of this scream is to increase her luck during the game of roulette. She understands that if she doesn't win the money her life with Manni will be over. Her scream increase in volume until the ball finally stops on her number.
The same theme happens in this scene: the glass in the background smashes but the glasses a man in front of her is wearing remain intact.

Question: Why are all of the scenes with Lola's father shot in video rather than 35mm film?

Money theme: 35mm film is a more expensive method of recording as Lola and Manni are recorded in it we can see that this is done to show the contrast between the amount of money they originally needed and the amount of money they now have within the film.
Video is a cheaper method which can be linked to the fact that Lola's dad refused to give her money. The cheaper recording scheme can be used to contrast his lack of financial help.
The money theme represents the story line.

Quality: 35mm has a higher definition than video, its is also used to show the main characters (Lola and Manni) this could have been done to show the importance of each person in her life.
Video holds a worse recording quality, the characters recorded in this definition are less important to Lola.

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