Thursday 14 August 2014

What is Mise en Scene?

Mise en Scene in translation from French is 'to put in the scene'.

This means that when we look at the mise en scene of a media product we analyse what is in the shot.

It's used to tell the audience essential information about what is happening without the use of a narrative.

There are 5 key elements when looking at the mise en scene of a shot these are:

  • Setting and props used - this can help us to identify the genre immediately.
  • Costumes - helps the audience discover the general culture of characters and the time in which the film/tv show is set. Costumes can also help us to identify the beliefs and class of each character (e.g. we would expect a stereotypical businessman to be wearing a suit and carrying a briefcase).
  • Body Language - this can help us to discover the feelings and possible actions of each character.
  • Lighting and colour - different types of lighting are used to distinguish important objects/characters in each shot.
  • Positions within the frame - this element of mise en scene can be used to tell the audiences about the relationships between characters.

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